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A mild fever,
A loss of appetite,
A loss of weight,
A motion inconsistency…
We either consume a Crocin tablet or a teaspoon of Gelusil or a laxative to combat
such ‘mild’ symptoms and we’re over the moon on becoming a size zero. Our mind is
so distracted with daily errands that we prioritize everybody and everything, save one
entity, which in quintessence is the sole rationale of our subsistence in the world---
The human body cannot send us an e-mail, or make a telephonic call. It sends out
‘‘simple, mild, insignificant’’ signals in intermittent intervals to remind us of our
failing duty towards ourselves. We’re light-hearted and curt towards our failing health
as we indulge in mundane aspects of life. We cajole, we wheedle, and we compel our
body to act acquiescent to our whims that augment a dreadful manifestation called
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells which defies the natural cycle of
programmed cell death; thus challenging every law of nature to use its prowess
against the rapidly growing satanic mass. Inception of cancer is person dependent,
event dependent, organ dependent, pedigree dependent but sometimes it is idiopathic.
Cancer cells may dwell in only one organ (benign), or some cells from the tumour
may detach away and migrate through blood in to another organ (malignant) by a
process called metastasis.
Researchers all over the world have given numerous reasons for this hasty duplication
of cells in the human body. There is no dearth of theoretical information proclaimed
through the internet. However, no one has yet been able to eradicate the cause which
leads people into a dire-famine-like-situation for options in treatment of the victims.
Genesis of cancer is attributed to chronic stress, viral infection along with exposure of
the human body to numerous chemicals, insecticides, pesticides, radioactive waves
which are collectively called as carcinogens. These substances are rampart in our
contaminated environment: the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we
An imbalanced diet heralds cancerous cells too. It has been observed that a higher
content of animal protein (red meat, poultry, pork, and beef) which are consumed as
grilled, or tandoori have polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that may damage cellular
DNA. Consumption of excessive animal meat causes an accretion of nitrosamines that
contribute towards formation of tumour.
Chief source of fat is dairy products, meat, and eggs which belong to the omega-6
class. Disproportionate consumption of omega-6 class fats releases free radicals and
suppresses immune system. However, fats found in fish and vegetable oils belong to
omega-3 class which facilitates healthy cells. Increased intake of refined
carbohydrates and sugar decreases oxygen level in tissues and supports growth of
tumour in the human body.
Repeated ingestion of artificial sweeteners like Aspartame (Sugar-free) in diet pepsi/
diet cola/ or as sugar substitute in tea/ coffee can cause aspartame poisoning and lead
to formation of brain tumour. Food containing steroids and preservatives when
irradiated with cobalt-60 and caesium-137 produces unique radioactive products
(URP) which are carcinogenic; allows hindrance in DNA repair mechanisms.
Increased intake of chocolates, coffee, tea, cola, alcohol, nicotine products promotes
accumulation of gene aberrations, failed DNA repair which may be inherited and
expressed in subsequent descendants.
Each cancer has a specific symptom like severe headache for brain tumours, recurrent
cough in lung cancer, and abdominal pain in ovarian cancer, to mention a few. Other
symptoms are chiefly bowel obstruction, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight,
anaemia, pain, fever, malaise.
In most cases, the identified tumour is either in grade III or grade IV, wherein the
clinicians make a strong attempt to prolong the sufferers’ life by surgical removal of
tumour followed by several rounds of radiation or chemotherapy. However, there is
always a possibility of residual disease (relapse of cancer). Most drugs used for
chemotherapy are cancer specific. Hence, the efficiency of those drugs too has its
In the ever developing, ever evolving, ever changing society that we live in, the only
constant is change. Scientists are investigating novel methods and drugs for the
benefit of mankind. An emerging weapon to annihilate cancerous cells from causing
anarchy: IMMUNOTHERAPY. One such example of immunotherapy is Dendritic
Cell Vaccine. The Late Dr. Ralph M. Steinman not only won the Nobel Prize for
Physiology and Medicine in 2011 for his discovery of “the dendritic cells and its role
in adaptive immunity” but was also a recipient of his own discovery to fight
pancreatic cancer that plagued him.
Dendritic cells are mature, activated form of macrophage found predominantly in
skin. It’s been established that if dendritic cells are immature due to faulty gene, they
falter in their function to facilitate elimination of tumour cells, allowing amalgamation
of tumour cells in organs. The Dendritic Cell Therapy is spanned over six months to
raze cancerous cells and diminish the probability of relapse. Dr. Jamal. A Khan heads
the Institute of Cellular Therapies in Noida where Dendritic cell vaccine is being
administered in cancer patients to augment a new era in cancer treatment. However,
some clinicians are sceptical of the dendritic cell therapy: more clinical data that elicit
positive outcome is crucial before it is candidly apparent as an alternate treatment.
Apart from Dendritic cell vaccine; scientists are testing their scientific acumen to
redress cancer by other vaccines such as antigen vaccine, anti-idiotype vaccine, DNA
vaccine and tumour cells vaccine. However, this route is less traversed hence ample
basic experimentation and clinical trials are warranted before the Food and Drugs
Administration (FDA) in United States may approve as a parapet against cancer.
There has been development in the field of radiation therapy as well. Selective
Internal Radiotherapy (SIRT) as known in German Cancer Research Centre also
called as Trans Arterial Chemo Embolization(TACE) in United States is an emerging
field. It is a type of radiation therapy used to treat patients afflicted with unresectable
hepatic cell carcinoma (liver cancer) only. The bilirubin level must be below 2mg/dl
for optimum outcome.
SIRT uses millions of glass or resin microspheres embedded with radioactive isotope
yttrium-90. SIRT targets inaccessible tumour cells in the liver. The advantage of SIRT
lies in piece of evidence that forty times more radiation may be administered into liver
cancer cells than conventional radiation therapy. The University of Maryland Marleen
and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Centre in Baltimore were the first to deliver direct
radiation to cancerous liver cells through microscopic glass beads in 2000. The FDA
in United States had approved the use of SIRT technique to treat patients with primary
colorectal cancer with liver metastasis in 2002. Side effects of SIRT include lethargy,
nausea. However, in India SIRT is not rampantly performed as we necessitate state-of-art skilled personals. We also must be cautious of commercial establishments
professing SIRT in our country.
Since yesteryears, Indians have thwarted illnesses through conventional, home-made
remedies. Dr. S.P. Kaushal in India had a vision to “fight cancer with herbs”. He
pioneered The Sino-Vedic Cancer Clinic in Delhi. Along with a team of skilled
professionals they established herbal formulations extracted from herbs to combat
failing immune system, prevent metastasis of cancerous cells; halt clonal evolution
and autonomy of cancerous cells and give support to programmed cell death. These
herbal formulations help alleviate the fragile, retrogressing health of cancer victims,
and may be safely taken along with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Cancer patients at their terminal stage are relinquished by clinicians and prescribed to
palliative care. It is a specialised arena of health care that focuses on alleviating
suffering and paroxysm of pain in patients. It utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to
originate a plan of care that includes physical, emotional, spiritual and social concerns
that come to pass with highly developed illness. In India there are few non-governmental organisations (NGO) who are involved in providing palliative care to
terminally ill individuals. In a small town called Erode in Tamil Nadu, an
establishment called Lotus Holistic Medicine strives to use holistic approach to
deliver people from twinge and enhance their life. This organisation uses a
combination of SIDDHA, conservative medicines, naturopathy, yoga, and spiritual
therapy to negate disease. It embraces an all-inclusive outlook to treating diseases and
alleviates health with tenderness.
In order to prevent initiation of cancerous cells, healthy nourishment is essential and
crucial for fighting against cancer. Food those rich in vitamin A (mackerel, herring,
salmon, carrots, sweet potatoes, apricot, and beetroot), vitamin C (oranges, star-fruit,
pineapple, citrus fruits), vitamin E (sunflower seeds) must be consumed in plenty.
Selenium rich food includes pumpkin seeds, almonds, Brazil nuts, tuna, onions, and
broccoli help detoxify liver; folic acid rich cabbage, green leafy vegetables, and
avocadoes help in maintaining fidelity of DNA replication. Garlic, cherries,
aubergines, red grapes aid in nullifying cancerous cells while lentils, chickpeas,
kidney beans, cow-peas, other pulses, green tea neutralise free radicals in the
digestive tract and blood stream hence prevent interference in DNA repair
mechanisms. High fibre food includes oatmeal, raisin bran, whole- wheat pasta, and
brown rice, whole-wheat bread which aid in keeping our digestive system clean and
healthy. Our daily routine must also include exercise to maintain a well balanced life.
Pedigrees that elicit incidence of cancer do not necessarily mean that the progeny will
develop it; however it only increases their susceptibility towards its manifestation.
Depending on the cancer genetic history, a licensed genetic counsellor may guide off-springs to a range of available genetic testing. Genetic testing enables individuals
make informed decision on their nutritional needs and existence. These tests indicate
the presence of aberrations in specific genes that causes certain cancer (example-
BRCA1 contributes towards breast cancer); yet one must always remember that a
verdict can be translated into disease only by our own contribution of draconian life
style and callousness.
In the words of Susan Sontag: “Illness is the night-side of life, a more onerous
citizenship. Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship, in the kingdom of the well
and in the kingdom of the sick. Although we prefer to use only the good passport,
sooner or later each of us is obliged, at least for a spell, to identify ourselves as
citizens of that other place”. At this point of time we need to seek not only medical
intervention but also reach out to untapped power that’s within us in our mind.
“Focusing on perfect health” is a touch we can strive for within ourselves;
notwithstanding what may we experience at the exterior.
We will loose our war against cancer if we choose to play hide-and-seek with
carcinogens; hence the only ways to combat is share information and prevent life
styles that supplement genesis of this Satan. In majority of cases of cancer, the
patient falters to acknowledge symptoms. It is our obligation as friends and well-wishers to pore over each other and lend a hand keep the “relentless and insidious
enemy” at alcove.
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